Running Route along Alexandra Park Connector

Spending time brisk walking or running, whether it's on a scenic park or my neighbourhood streets, is an enjoyable way to slow my mind while increasing my heart rate.

Another route that I enjoy is along the Alexandra Park Connector. Starting from Zion Riverside Food Centre, off Kim Seng Road, that goes along the canal all the way to Tanglin Road.

This loop is about 4km. Great when I'm short on time and want to do a quick run.

This route has less people, very relaxing and plenty of beautiful scenery along the way.

There are a few rest spots to do some stretching or have a break.

Many kids come out to play at the fitness corner in the evenings.

I like this water feature near the Tanglin Road end. Very quiet and calming.

I am truly appreciating these outdoor activities, exploring the hidden enclaves all around Singapore where I can still enjoy the fresh air, without exhaust fumes, surrounded by beautiful nature.


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