Kids Art - Folding Paper Growing Caterpillar

There are 2 things that my little 3 year-old boy loves the most. One is his caterpillar soft toy that goes with him everywhere... he takes it out in the car, he sits and has dinner with it, he sleeps with it, he looks for it whenever he's sad and when he's happy. He pats it when he wakes from sleep. He cries in the middle of the night when he can't find it in the dark. He just loves his caterpillar to bits!

The second thing that he loves is the cable car. We had an annual membership for cable car rides that we got over a year ago. We could take the cable car as and when we want to and as many times as we like. It became the most used annual membership of anything we've ever had as the little one is always asking to go on it.

He loves the cable car so much. I think to the point of obsession! He talks about the cable car to anyone and everyone who cares to listen. Non Stop! He loves looking at cable cars. He watches YouTube videos about cable cars. He makes cable cars out of Lego, out of wooden blocks, out of anything he could get his hands on.

I can't even tell you how many times I have drawn caterpillars and cable cars! I drew yet another very long caterpillar the other day... Then folded the paper in such a way to make it short, which can grow long when unfolded again.

Short caterpillar...

And long caterpillar....

Sure to illicit laughter from him!

Then I made something similar with the cable car.

That's the cable car.

With the door slightly opened and look who's peeping inside!




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